Because I always resolve to keep a gardening journal but never write, and since ginkgo hasn't YET made a steel trap of my brain:
Today's bird news:
One crow w/ suspected nestling (not hers) flew into big red oak on Kitsa's Escape Hill.
Goldfinches feeding on Monarda, Echinacea, Rudbeckia around driveway. One chased 50 feet by hummer.
No bluebirds eating the delicious mealworms I sacrificed.
Plant news:
Weeded in meadow and along driveway, mostly horseweed ( Erigeron canadensis) , common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), annual fescue, crabgrass.
planted in front of office:
(recently, from Behnke's) Asarsum heterophyllum (ginger), Pycnanthemum muticum (Blunt mountain mint), Eupatorium fistulosum ("Bartered Bride") Helianthus agustifolius ( ("Gold Lace"), Panicum virgatum (2 clumps of"Cloud Nine").
Chelone lyoni (pink turtlehead) (attracting hummers)
Partridgepea, both lobelias, echinacea and rudbeckia, of course, a bit of the Liatris (ones I'd cut),
the tall Helianthus that Mike put in the meadow, little bluestem just beginning, mountain mint (P. tenuifolium)
Cut down the sassafrass next to the garage, painted the stem w/ something awful. Hated killing it-- shouldn't have let it grow so long.
praying mantis jumped a bumblebee feeding on partridgepea
black swallowtails everywhere, esp Lobelia
large black wasp digging in antlion territory behind yuccas
Garden spider outside kitchen sink getting fatter
a few tomatoes, lambsquarters (put into smoothie w/mango, spinach salad, superfood scoop
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